In regards to the health, vitality, and wellbeing of humanity, there is perhaps no more important consideration than that of pre-conception preparation.
Classical Chinese Medicine has a knowledge of health and pregnancy quite distinct from what currently exists in western medical approaches, and clearly understands how to diagnose and apply treatments that support the vitality of both parents.
A strong vitality will minimize complications in pregnancy/labour/and the Post-Partum period, and maximize the potential that the longevity, strength, and vitality of each parent is passed onto their children. Restoring vitality is NOT currently a component of western medical approaches to fertility and pregnancy.
• Perspective parents with any chronic health condition
• Perspective mothers with a history of miscarriage
• Perspective mothers with a history of complications in a previous pregnancy
• Perspective parents with mental health/relational issues
Ideally, every perspective parent would benefit from a conversation.
Book in for your comprehensive, initial consultation today!